Josh Brown | Email: |
Languages: Python, Java, SQL, Rust, Haskell | Github: joshcbrown |
Bachelor of Science, Major: Mathematics and Statistics WAM: 87.778 University of Melbourne Expected Graduation: December 2023 Diploma in Computing WAM: 92.667 University of Melbourne Expected Graduation: December 2023
CSL Platform Engineer May 2022 - June 2023 Constructed a data dashboard for chemists to determine if current experiments are under statistical control
Transformed manual pipeline to an automatic data pipeline through integration with company data lake
Deployed system to be used by 100+ chemists in practice
Deloitte Data & AI Summer Vacationer Summer 2022 Engaged in data discovery and requirements scoping, including regular meetings with client (Coles) to synthesise understandings
Performed time series analysis on sales history of seasonal products to create insights for store managers
Gave a pitch to senior members of the team for a product idea following the internship, which was subsequently built upon
University of Melbourne github Mathematics and Statistics Vacation Scholar Summer 2021 Investigated the effectiveness of score matching, a technique for statistical inference
Implemented the technique in a deep neural network using PyTorch
Researched and evaluated applications such as creation of an implicit variational auto-encoder
pogodoro — a terminal UI pomodoro timer github Session-persistent task manager and pomodoro timer, built using Rust and SQLite
Native notification support for macOS and Linux
Artificial Intelligence, Assignment github Worked in a pair to build a two-player game-playing agent
Implemented Negamax and pruning, as well as additional advanced performance and gameplay optimisations such as Zobrist Hashing and game-specific tactics
In a tournament against 130 other agents, our agent came 1st place
mandelbrot-py github Command-line tool to plot images of the Mandelbrot set
Several customisable options, including palette, plotting algorithm and resolution
for just-in-time compilation to greatly improve runtime speed